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Switching Current Period

The administration of a course/subject is organized in periods.

Student registration, attendance, activities, and assessment are all based on the currently selected period. 

By default when logging in to the  Teacher Gateway the current period in the school is automatically selected as the current period provided you have already created a corresponding period in the current course/subject.

However, to switch to a particular period follow the steps below:

  1. From the Teacher Gateway click on the Setups -> Switch Period menu item to open the Switch Period form.
  2. Select the desired period under the Current Period field.
  3. Click on the Save button to apply the selected period as the desired period.
  4. Click on the Cancel button to close the form.


In case the desired period is not on the list of available periods, it might be because you have not created it. To create a new period read the documentation here 

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